Lecture 5: Scheduling & Exponential L.P.

  Topics covered: Scheduling, Project, Exponential L.P. and Randomized Rounding 1. Weighted Non Preemptive Scheduling on Single Machine (S3) 1.1. L.P. of S3 Variables: Let $latex C_i$ be the completion time of $latex i^{th}$ job with release date $latex r_i$, processing time $latex p_i$ and weight $latex w_i$ where $latex i \in [n]$ Objective:  $latex … Continue reading Lecture 5: Scheduling & Exponential L.P.

Lecture 3: Relaxation & IP Formulation

Topics Covered 1. IP/LP formulation 2. Relaxation 3. Projects Question (Previous Lecture) How do we justify the relationship between the integer program and the linear program given a maximization problem? Assume X is an IP such that $latex x_i \in \{0,1\} $, OPT(X) be value of optimal solution. Let Y be a linear program of … Continue reading Lecture 3: Relaxation & IP Formulation

HomeWork 3 – Deadline 28th Feb 2018

 In Task Scheduling Problem we studied in class you are given processing times $latex p_i,$ release dates $latex r_i$ and goal is to design non-preemptive schedule that minimises the sum of completion times. Give an algorithm to solve this problem when $latex r_i = 0$. Prove that Earliest finish time first (EFTF) algorithm to solve Pre-emptive … Continue reading HomeWork 3 – Deadline 28th Feb 2018

Topics for Class on Feb 20/21

Hello Everyone, This week we plan to discuss LP formulation of optimization problems - we will also discuss deterministic rounding on LP solution. You should read through Chapter 4 of Williamsons book. Class timings remain same for now - Zeenat will update us regarding the new location of the class, hopefully somewhere on 6th floor. … Continue reading Topics for Class on Feb 20/21

HomeWork2 – Deadline 20th Feb 2018

Find Integer Programming Formulations for the following problems(look up online if you need to know the definition of the problem): (a) Weighted Set Cover Problem (b) 0/1 Knapsack Problem (c) Non-preemptive scheduling with release dates and processing times on a single machine Model the following Happy Graph Problem into an integer program: Given a graph G, … Continue reading HomeWork2 – Deadline 20th Feb 2018

Lecture 2. Solving Vertex Cover using LP

Today we will discuss two approximation algorithms for vertex cover problem which is a well-known np-hard problem. Using linear programming, we will see two simple algorithms which will give 1-approximation and 2-approximation ratios for this problem. Before starting the vertex cover problem, let's revise some basic concepts including Convex Set, Graph, NP, NP-complete and NP-hard … Continue reading Lecture 2. Solving Vertex Cover using LP

Course Outline and Grading Policy

Hi Folks ! Welcome to the Approximation Algorithm Class taught by Dr. Mudassir Shabbir. This course is intended towards a potential research body in the theory of computer science. This is an advanced course in theory so you must already be versed with discrete math, graphs, algorithms, and probability theory. The basic tentative list of topics to … Continue reading Course Outline and Grading Policy